Konzerthaus Berlin

8zehn 30 – Kurzkonzert


Gendarmenmarkt, 10117 Berlin

mit dem Konzerthausorchester Berlin und Joana Mallwitz

© Simon Pauly
© Simon Pauly

Concert program

György Ligeti
„Atmosphères“ für Orchester

Ludwig van Beethoven
Sinfonie Nr. 5 c-Moll op. 67


The one-hour short concerts ‘8Zehn30’ on Thursdays from 18:30 at the Konzerthaus Berlin are always short and sweet: let go of everyday life and simply immerse yourself in 60 minutes of music without a break - regardless of whether the end of the working day is already in sight or another evening shift has to be put in. The orchestra musicians of the Konzerthausorchester Berlin accompany their audience through a short(er) concert evening - from the personal introduction to the after-concert drinks at the bar in the Beethoven Hall.

Ludwig van Beethoven's 5th Symphony from 1807/08 begins with four notes that are among the most famous beginnings of works in music history. Its universe, according to a popular interpretation, is the individual and his fate. This is why it unofficially bears the German nickname ‘Fate Symphony’, which was not given to it by Beethoven. The composer struggled with his early onset of deafness. He found the strength not to despair in composing and also wanted to uplift his fellow human beings in distress: ‘Anyone who knows my music cannot become completely despondent.’


Joana Mallwitz
Konzerthausorchester Berlin


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Konzerthaus Berlin

Gendarmenmarkt, 10117 Berlin

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