Komische Oper Berlin at Schillertheater
Lonely House
Bismarckstraße 110, 10625 Berlin
Kurt Weill

Concert program
Lonely House (aus Street Scene , New York 1947)
Oh Heart of Love (aus Johnny Johnson , New York 1936)
Le Grand Lustucru (aus Marie Galante , Paris 1934)
I’m a Stranger Here Myself (aus One Touch of Venus , New York 1943)
Two Hearts (aus A Kingdom for a Cow , London 1935)
September Song (aus Knickerbocker Holiday , New York 1938)
Schickelgruber (New York 1942) Youkali (aus Marie Galante, Paris 1934)
My Ship – The Saga of Jenny – The Girl of the Moment – Tschaikowsky – One Life to Live – My Ship (aus Lady in the Dark , New York 1941)
Je ne t’aime pas (Paris 1934)
Complainte de la Seine (Paris 1934)
Speak Low (aus One Touch of Venus, New York 1943)
Train du ciel (aus Marie Galante, Paris 1934)
Here I’ll Stay (aus Love Life, New York 1948)
In Germany, Kurt Weill is best known for his works created in collaboration with Bertolt Brecht. However, his oeuvre encompasses much more than just The Threepenny Opera and his Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny. And his musicals written for Broadway are no less revolutionary than the works he previously created in Germany. Born in Dessau and shaped by Germany’s musical tradition, achieving his artistic maturity in the wild Berlin of the 1920s before being forced out by the Nazis, the Jewish composer significantly defined the newly emerging genre of musicals.With Lonely House , Katharine Mehrling presents songs from Kurt Weill’s life in exile, bringing them back to life with Barrie Kosky at the piano.
‘There is perhaps no duo today who can perform the songs of Kurt Weill more artistically and touchingly than Katharine Mehrling and Barrie Kosky.’ [INFORADIO]
Komische Oper Berlin at Schillertheater
Bismarckstraße 110, 10625 Berlin
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