Komische Oper Berlin at Heimathafen Neukölln

Consistent Fantasy is Reality


Karl-Marx-Straße 141, 12043 Berlin

Eine glitzernd-glamouröse Musiktheater-Rebellion von Gaye Su Akyol

Guclu Simsek
© Guclu Simsek


Music makes you dream, music brings people together, music can save the world! Turkish singer and activist Gaye Su Akyol is convinced of this, and invites us to the fantastic, colorful, diverse planet of music with this pop-psychedelic space opera.A normal day like any other: Three strangers board Gaye Su Akyol's minibüs , unaware that the journey will take them … into space! More precisely: the minibüs makes a crash landing on the grey planet. Two-headed parrots, talking palm trees and human-like cyborgs populate this colourless and otherwise lifeless world. But what is this surreal universe all about? The NOP (New OrderProject), a secret organization of high-ranking world politicians conducts experiments on the inhabitants of the grey planet – to rob them of their culture and most precious gift: their fantasy, in order to isolate them and remain in power. To make matters worse, a fight breaks out among the passengers – a queer student, a conservative religious man and a retired teacher. The inhabitants of the grey planet and their leader, UmaXT, warn Gaye Su Akyol and her companions: the homeworld is under threat from the NOP! Under pressure, the stranded must learn respect for each other. Only together can they repair the minibüs , and thus save the grey planet and themselves …

Post-punk, grunge, and psychedelic surf rock meet Turkish classical music and Anatolian folk tunes in Gaye Su Akyol’s inimitable style, countering oppression and injustice in the here and now with her powerfully poetic alternative vision.


Ga#ye #Su Ak#yol
Musik und Konzept
Christian Büttner
Julia Jordà Stoppelhaar
Text und Dramaturgie
Katrin Lehmacher
Bühnenbild und Kostüme
Esteban Muñoz Herrera
Da#niel# Da#nie#la Oje#da# Yru#reta
Piedra Muda Lab
Bühnenbild und Video
Sinan Tuncay
Video Konzept uund Produktion
Ga#ye #Su Ak#yol
DJ Ipek
Tho#ma Ja#ron#-Wutz
Felix Witzlau
Grace Held#ridge
Barlas Tan Özemek
Ali Güç#lü Şim#şek
Ege Soydan
Ste#fan A#dam
Musiker:innen des Orchesters der Komischen Oper Berlin
Bernhard von der Gabelenz
Musiker:innen des Orchesters der Komischen Oper Berlin
Tilo Morgner
Musiker:innen des Orchesters der Komischen Oper Berlin
Andrea Haubold
Musiker:innen des Orchesters der Komischen Oper Berlin


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Komische Oper Berlin at Heimathafen Neukölln

Karl-Marx-Straße 141, 12043 Berlin

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